Selling: ICAMView Surveillance products

ICAMView Surveillance products
$38 USD - Call for latest price
ICAMView is an affordable solution to your surveillance and security needs. It is developed based on network technology. Basically, this device allows the user to stream live video images directly to the internet without a PC. In another words, iCAMView itself will act as your server/gateway to the internet specifically for streaming video images - live. View 3W dot tophine-online dot com for details, also can contact Michael with Skype: zhangmeng168 <br /> <br /> In addition to substantial cost savings by eliminating the need for a PC, the user also enjoy greater flexibility. It's compact size (48mm x 63mm x 21mm) and light weight (75grams), allows the device to be easily installed almost anywhere. You can now have a monitoring camera installed at a location of your choice.<br />
Country: China
Posted on: 2007-02-01
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